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Sustaining life, stronger business, and smaller government are the three core issues that build the groundwork of Tyler Paul's policies. They are based on his faith, principals, and values. This foundation is the guiding factor to decision making in government. Tyler Paul cares deeply about his community he represents and wants to ensure the citizens of his district have a voice.

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Sustaining Life

Without the right to life, nothing else matters and if we cannot protect the most vulnerable, we have failed as a nation. Tyler Paul is one of the strongest supporters of life at the state capitol and believes in fighting for protection and betterment for all lives. 


Stronger Business

Farmers and small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Tyler Paul works to ensure they are protected and able to operate without too much red tape preventing them from being successful. He is also fighting to expand broadband to our hometown.


Smaller Government

Tyler Paul believes that smaller government is key to a successful republic. He works hard at the state house to eliminate government overreach and protect the rights given to us by the Constitution. This especially includes protecting our Second Amendment rights.

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